![]() To all of my amazing dancers on the (almost) eve of the Oireachtas, I am so proud of you. Thank you for your hard work in preparing for this big event and I want to let you know how honored I am to be part of your team. After months of classes, practices, private lessons, competitions, and an emotional breakdown here and there, I want you to know that no matter what happens you’ve already won. There are not many kids these days that are willing to make the sacrifices you have made to excel at their sport. There are not many kids dedicated enough to something to keep putting in the work day after day, week after week, when the reward isn’t guaranteed and is often far in the future. As long as you stay calm, project confidence, dance like you do in class, and show great sportsmanship, there is nothing more I can expect or ask of you. Please let that comfort you and lighten the load you feel on your shoulders. I’m sure you have put greater pressure and expectation on yourself and I don’t wish to add to that. Remember to be kind to yourself and be your own number one fan. I hope that you can celebrate your result no matter what your ranking is - after all, this is one day among many in your dance journey. This is one little mile-marker along the marathon that is your continual self improvement and you HAVE improved just by peaking for this event. Even if you feel a sting of disappointment, remember that it’s okay to feel that pain temporarily but it’s also important to not let it keep you down or become a limiting belief. Instead, dust yourself off and be ready to cheer on your friends. Just because you’re not happy with your own results doesn’t impact your ability to support others. Whether you win the whole thing or fall all the way to the bottom of the results, we turn the page together at the conclusion of the Oireachtas. Either way we move on to an improvement season, learning new choreography, and setting new goals and my opinion of your potential of a dancer does not change based on the outcome of this weekend. Your power is in your ability to take your result and use it for motivation. Finally, say thank you to your parents. While they may not receive a medal for their efforts, they should not go unnoticed or under appreciated. Together, we all stand behind you on your team and they make sure you get to class, get to competitions, have the supplies and equipment you need, and experience everyday’s ups and downs along with you. Now go out there and be fiercely you! You can do this, I believe in you! Courtney
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Scoil Rince Luimni Irish Dance Academy, based in South Windsor & Farmington Connecticut, will have 31 dancers representing our school at the 2018 New England Regional Oireachtas held from November 16-18, 2018 in Hartford, Connecticut. Our dancers will be competing against the best of New England across three disciplines for regional ranking, National qualification for the North American Irish Dance Championships in July 2019, and the World Irish Dance Championships in April 2019. Dancers in the Traditional Set Dance competitions will be competing in the lower-tier competition designed to give up and coming dancers an opportunity to compete on the big stage against all the New England dancers in their age group. SRL is well represented in the traditional set dance competition with dancers hailing from:
The premier event in the solo championship which is for the highest level dancers that have climbed the ranks of competitive Irish dance over many years. These dancers are looking beyond improving their ranking and looking to place in the top 50% to be awarded their ranking on stage or qualify to a higher championship such as the North American Irish Dance Championship or World Championship. SRL will be represented in the solo championships by dancers from:
In the final team discipline, dancers perform standardized group dances called “ceilis.” Team competitions require precision in every movement, pattern, and step as each team is judged solely on execution. We have four 4-member teams that will compete in the 4-Hand Team competition:
We also have an 8-member team eyeing a result that would move them forward to the World Championships in Greensboro, North Carolina in April 2019. The girls competing on this team are: Gabby Gorman & Ellie Diver (Farmington), Emma Magnani & Emma Feeley (Springfield), Paige Miele (Westfield), Emily Messier (Glastonbury), Mackenzie Richards (East Longmeadow), and Cayla Batz (Coventry). Please keep all of our dancers in your thoughts and sending them positive vibes as they head into competition this weekend. These dancers have been working since the spring to fine tune their dances for their moment on stage and we wish them the very best of luck! |
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